
Explorers 1 & 2

15 months – 3 years old

Expanding your toddler’s little mind through their own curiosity is key in cultivating their learning journey.

In Explorer’s 1 children ages, 15 -24 months will build upon the children learning at their own pace. In a small ratio classroom, the teachers have an optimal chance to guide and nurture each individual child. In Explorer’s 2 children ages, 24 months through age 3 will build strong developmental foundations that will aid in the reinforcement of skills throughout their preschool career

Imagination Station

3 – 4 years old

Activities​: In the Imagination Station, children learn about mathematics, science, art, and literacy through subject-focused activities while continuing to refine gross and fine motor skills, social interactions, and cognitive development. Children may also engage in more rigorous academic and physical activities, such as mathematical pattern recognition and indoor/outdoor gym play. Individual and group activities provide opportunities for children at this stage to engage in pure learning(remembering and connecting experiences), and trying new ways of sensory, social, and dramatic play.

Outcomes: ​The Imagination Station prepares early learners for their matriculation into the school system of their parent’s choosing while cultivating the child’s awareness of their individual social/emotional development (e.g. forming friendships, self-esteem, and self-regulation).


4 – 5 years old

The Discovery program builds each child’s interest and abilities, and the curriculum is designed to develop the skills children will need in school, at a pace consistent with their individual developmental readiness. Our focus is social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development while introducing children to group interaction.

Activities: In addition to the subjects introduced in the Imagination Station, children in the Discovery program also skill-build in the areas of computer literacy and housekeeping activities. They are encouraged to engage in more activities that build confidence, independence, and mastery of skills typical of those in their age group.

Outcomes: The outcome is to ensure that there is an easy transition into Kindergarten. Most if not all concepts addressed in Kindergarten will be touched upon in the Discovery room. With this direction, children will feel successful even if their area of achievement is not mastered